介紹 SPAC 的文章滿多的,但都偏重於 SPAC 機制對『想要上市的公司』的影響,本系列文章試圖站在『投資人(散戶)的角度』去了解 SPAC 機制,並進一步討論利用 SPAC 機制獲利的可能性;內文將試著盡量把一些基本介紹打散、再與實務面重組,單看一篇可能會有點混亂,但是如果把整個系列讀完,希望能帶給讀者豁然開朗的感覺;內容希望可以涵蓋 SPAC 的基本機制,以及實際投資 SPAC 會遇到的一些疑問,跟如何利用現在的投資環境提高投資 SPAC 的勝率;不過,因為涉及很多 SEC 文件的內容,受限於英文能力的不足,如果翻譯或者是解釋有誤,還請指正。
1. SPAC 的基本機制:一個信託帳戶、兩次 IPO 機會以及三個退場機制,並與傳統 IPO 上市的比較。
2. SPAC 的六大階段:SPAC 的 Pre-IPO、SPAC 本身的 IPO、找尋併購標的、確定併購標的、併購標的後的 IPO、以及合併完成與重回基本面。
3. SPAC 上市的範例:以 IPOB -> OPEN 為例。
4. 如何找到 SPAC 標的:善用 SPACTRACK。
5. 深入探討:Bill Ackman 的 PSTH 《設計 I》。
6. 深入探討:Bill Ackman 的 PSTH 《設計 II》。
目前只看到優點(深怕自己有盲點,歡迎大家打臉),覺得對一般的小散戶而言,應該是適合短期投資、小賭怡情的一個選擇,只要有點耐心,也不要太貪心,然後多點心思,應該有機會在半年內賺到至少 30% 的報酬率,當然前提是低利率、熱錢持續;
- 有兩次 IPO 的機會 — < SPAC 本身的 IPO>與< SPAC 併購(或者是說合併比較適合)其他間公司的 IPO>。
- 資金具保障,且有三種不同的退場機制。
- 套牢的時間,即時間成本與資金成本,最長兩年;在熱錢氾濫的現在,有機會縮短至三個月至六個月。
- 只要不貪心,應該可以在別人被割韭菜的時候,及早脫身;不過,目前市場都覺得 SPAC 上市很好賺了,所以獲利脫身的成本會被墊高,風險報酬率將被提升。
R 大認為,投資 SPAC 的風險過高,不如去找 Angel List 來投資;但筆者覺得,Angel List 要靠散戶自己找投資標的、投入資金的門檻比較高,加上不確定何時會上市(獲利了結),相對於 SPAC 是由專業團隊尋找上市標的、每股最低可以 10 美元進場,以及最長兩年內就可以知道投資結果(上市或沒辦法上市),感覺 SPCA 還是 CP 值比較高的方式。
很剛好的,在第五篇提到的 SBE 原訂於 2021 年 02月 11 日的特別股東會已經延期到 2021 年 02月 25 日,新聞稿的原因(透明度不足)如下,似乎是股東的投票不夠踴躍,而這更凸顯出顯得第五篇跟第六篇的主角-PSTH 的難能可貴;另外,SBE 是在 2019 年上市的,24 個月期限快到了,很有可能投資人真的會拿回十塊(第一篇的<退場機制 2>),為了避免找到大限將至的 SPAC,建議可以善用第四篇的 SPACTRACK 的排序功能。
8-K Current Report
Item 8.01. Other Events.
On February 11, 2021, Switchback Energy Acquisition Corporation (“Switchback”) issued a press release announcing that it has convened and then adjourned, without conducting any business, its virtual Special Meeting of Stockholders (the “Special Meeting”) relating to the proposed business combination and related transactions (the “Proposed Transactions”) with ChargePoint, Inc. (the “Company”), and will reconvene such Special Meeting at 10:00 a.m., Eastern time, on February 25, 2021.
The press release is attached as Exhibit 99.1 to this Current Report on Form 8-K and incorporated herein by reference.
Dallas, Texas, Feb. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Switchback Energy Acquisition Corporation (NYSE: SBE) (“Switchback”) today announced that it convened and then adjourned, without conducting any other business, its virtual Special Meeting of Stockholders to February 25, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., Eastern time (the “Special Meeting”), to allow for more time for stockholders to vote their shares to reach the required quorum and approve the required proposals. The Special Meeting is being held to consider the proposed business combination (the “Business Combination”) between Switchback and ChargePoint, Inc. (“ChargePoint”), and the related proposals, as described in Switchback’s definitive proxy statement/prospectus/consent solicitation statement, dated January 8, 2021 (the “Registration Statement”). The Special Meeting will be held via live webcast at https://www.cstproxy.com/switchbackenergy/sm2021.
Switchback has received overwhelming support for the Business Combination. At the time the Special Meeting was convened, approximately 99.9% of the proxies received had been voted in favor of the transaction. However, since holders of approximately 45% of the outstanding shares submitted proxies to vote, the necessary quorum of a majority of the outstanding shares was not present. Switchback requests that any investor who held shares of stock in Switchback as of the close of business on December 16, 2020 and has not yet voted do so as soon as possible in order to avoid additional delays.
【深入探討】 Bill Ackman 的 PSTH
在上篇文章的結尾部分,筆者先用 SpacTrack 找出 PSTH,再利用其表格,對 PSTH 有一些基本的了解;接著,本篇文章將以 CNBC 文章與發行書(PROSPECTUS)互相搭配,進一步來探究 PSTH 特別之處;
在 CNBC 這篇文章中提到, PSTH 有兩個與眾不同的設計 :
《設計 I》認股權證:PSTH 擁有 (A-2)可分配唐提式可贖回認股權證(Distributable Tontine Redeemable Warrants),可提高合併上市的機會;將在《第五篇》介紹。
《設計 II》發起人機制:更重要的是,為消除市場疑慮,發起人股份(Founder Shares 或 Sponsor Shares)也經過特別的設計,試圖減少發起人( Sponsor )的暴利,並讓發起人與散戶的利益達成一致;將在《第六篇》介紹。
《第五篇》與《第六篇》將分別討論《設計 I》與《設計 II》;各篇將分為上下半部;上半部都先以《第四篇》中的兩檔 SPAC ((1)IPOB 與(2) BTN),以及(3)SBE 為主,下半部才會回到 PSTH 本身的認股權證與發起人機制。
CNBC 還提到很多關於 PSTH 值得留意的細節,當然更完整的內容還是會在 SEC 的文件 — PROSPECTUS (424B4)裡,雖然台灣投資人交易認股權證的機會不大,但筆者認為仍值得花時間了解一下。
在 PROSPECTUS SUMMARY 的地方,可以找到一些名詞解釋,對於了解後續會提到的一些專有名詞有很大的幫助;後面在 『The Offering』 的地方會整理得更清楚一些。建議可以用關鍵字來搜尋『 SUMMARY』 與 『The Offering』,可加快尋找特定名詞解釋的速度。
《設計 II》發起人機制
CNBC 認為,『一般 SPAC 』的發起人可透過發起人權證 (Sponsor Warrants)來獲得股票『未來上漲』的利益;
創始人股份的成本(2.5 萬美元)低到不管股價在未來是漲是跌,創始人都可以大賺一筆;這也是 SPAC 機制最被人詬病的地方,而 PSTH 的設計機制則是(至少是試圖去)消減 Sponsor 的不對稱獲利。
(A)一般 SPAC 的發起人機制:
為了保持固定的『股權資本比率 』在 20% 的水準,一般的 SPAC 都會有反稀釋條款;在這種情況下,Sponsor 只要以 2.5 萬成立一檔 SPAC,在完成《第二階段》後,2.5 萬就會瞬間膨脹千倍至千萬美元等級的獲利。(B)PSTH 的發起人機制:
PSTH 發起人的初始持股『不會』為了保持『固定的股權資本比率 (Ownership)(20%)』去隨著《第二階段》的股本膨脹而等比例增加,其『固定不變的是投票權(Voting Power)(20%)』,不變動的投票權是為了提升併購案過關的機會。
先看看 CNBC 的論點,接著討論三檔 SPAC ,依序將為(1)IPOB (OPEN) 、(2)BTWN 與(3) SBE,看看其 Sponsor 的報酬率。
(A)一般 SPAC 發起人報酬率:
(a)如 CNBC 所言,一般的 SPAC 的發起人結構,讓 B 股具有執行反稀釋條款(anti-dilution provisions)的權利,可以在《第二階段》後讓 B 股占『股權資本的比重維持在 20%』,因此只要完成 《第二階段》,發起人的獲利通常都有數千倍不等的報酬率,端看該階段的募資金額的高低;因為發起人股份占股權資本的占比普遍為 20%,因此將 《第二階段》 所募得的金額 * 20%,就可以知道發起人的報酬率,(3) SBE 的官方計算方式也是如此。(b)不過,CNBC 沒有提到的是,發起人所獲得的 Founder Shares 跟私募認股權證都有閉鎖期的限制 (搜尋 “Principal Stockholders — Transfers of Founder Shares and Private Placement Warrants”),也就是在完成《第五階段》的『一年後』,相關的 A 股(B 股轉換成 A 股,或者是將私募認股權證執行為 A 股)跟私募認股權證才可以進行買賣跟轉讓。
CNBC 這篇文章 值得細讀。
CNBC 論點 / 一般 SPAC 的發起人機制:
發起人(Sponsor) 會在《第一階段》時認購創始⼈股票或發起人股票(Founder Shares 或 Sponsor Shares),通常只需⽀付最低⾦額(例如 25,000美元),因此創始⼈股份有時被稱為『促銷』 (Promotion)(可能是因為成本特別低的關係….)。
CNBC 舉兩個例子:
(1) 其發起人 ( Goldman Sachs )發起的 SPAC 募資 7 億美元,GS 以 5000 美元獲得發起人股份,其股權占比(ownership)按照慣例是 20% ,亦即 7 億美元中有 20%,就是 1.4 億美元是屬於 GS 的,其 5000 美元馬上暴增為 28000 倍至 1.4 億美元。
(以 1600 萬美元買進 800 萬張的權證,亦即成本為 2 美元,執行價是 11.50 美元,如果股價上漲至 13.50 以上,每多一美元,GS 就多賺 800 萬美元……)
CNBC — Bill Ackman and Tontine Holdings rewrite the terms for SPACs
For example, in a recent SPAC sponsored by Goldman Sachs, they raised $700 million at $10 per share. They paid $16 million for warrants to acquire 8 million shares at $11.50 per share and received Founders shares for 20% of the company for $5,000.
On the day of the closing that $5,000 payment yielded them $140 million of stock assuming a deal closes.
(2) 一檔募資 5 億美元的 SPAC,其發起人 ( Third Point ) 以 2.5 萬美元獲得發起人股份,其股權占比(ownership)還是 20% ,亦即 5 億美元中有 20% (就是 1.0 億美元) 是屬於發起人的,2.5 萬 美元暴增 4000 倍至 1.0 億美元。
(以 1200 萬美元買進 800萬張的權證,亦即成本為 1.5 美元,執行價是 11.50 美元,如果股價上漲至超過 13.00 美元,每多一美元,Third Point 就多賺 800 萬美元……)
CNBC — Bill Ackman and Tontine Holdings rewrite the terms for SPACs
Another example a little older but involving a peer of Pershing Square is Third Point’s 2018 sponsoring of Far Point Acquisition Corp. where it raised $500 million at $10 per share. In that situation, Third Point paid $12 million for warrants to buy 8 million shares at $11.50 per share and received its 20% of Founder shares for a nominal payment of only $25,000.
So, assuming a deal closes, Third Point receives $100 million of its shareholders’ investment regardless of whether the investment is successful or not.
CNBC 表示,在此發起人結構下,即使完成《第五階段》之後,股價腰斬,上述的發起人還是賺得飽飽的……
CNBC — Bill Ackman and Tontine Holdings rewrite the terms for SPACs
Moreover, under the Founders’ shares compensation structure, Third Point and Goldman Sachs still receive tens of millions of dollars of compensation even in a failed investment that loses half of its value.
為驗證 CNBC 的論點,將接著討論三檔 SPAC ,依序將為(1)IPOB (OPEN) 、(2)BTWN 與(3) SBE,看看其 Sponsor 的報酬率。
(1)IPOB (OPEN):《第二階段》後,Sponsor 的 2.5 萬美元會變成 8280 萬美元;《第五階段》後,若以『企業價值』(Enterprise Value)來看,2.5 萬美元會變成 7360 萬美元;《第五階段》後,若以『市值』(Market Cap)(2021 年 01 月 29 日的股價)來看,2.5 萬美元會變成 2.4 億美元。
(2) BTWN:《第二階段》後,Sponsor 的 2.5 萬美元會變成 1.1 億美元。
(3) SBE:《第二階段》後,Sponsor 的 2.5 萬美元會變成 6000 萬美元;《第五階段》後,若以『企業價值』(Enterprise Value)計算,2.5 萬美元會變成 4800 萬美元;公布合併案後,以市值(Market Cap)(以 2021 年 2 月 4 日的收盤價)計算,2.5 萬美元會變成 3.26 億美元。
(1)賺超過 9000 倍的 IPOB (OPEN):
因為 IPOB 已經完成 《第五階段》,所以可以看看 Sponsor 在《第二階段》跟 《第五階段》後的獲利狀況。
從下面這張 IPOB (OPEN)的截圖,可看到合併後的股權結構,Sponsor & related parties 共持有 26,375,000股,其註解顯示該數字中包含 (1) 16,025,000 股與發起人相關的上市前私募(PIPE),以及 (2) 由 『SCH 的獨立董事』(independent directors of SCH)所持有的 200,000 股,剩下的 (3)10,150,000 應該都是由 Sponsor 所持有。
不過,從下面的文字可看到,在 2020 年 01 月的時候,IPOB 的 Sponsor 以 2.5 萬美元的金額買入 IPOB 所發行的 8,625,000 股的 B 股 (Class B ordinary shares,即 “Founder Shares”),相當於每股成本僅有(不到) 0.003 美元。
2020 年 03 月時,Sponsor 將 8,625,000 股 B 股中的 200,000 股以原本的買價(original per-share purchase price,也就是每股為 0.003 美元)『賣給』 SCH 的兩名獨立董事(即 David Spillane 和 Cipora Herman)。
2020 年 04 月 27日時,為了要在《第二階段》後維持相同的 20% 投票權,Founder Shares 的股數自 8,625,000 股增至 10,350,000股;
有趣的是,增加的股數(10,350,000–8,625,000 = 1,725,000),Sponsor 要花多少錢? “SCH effected a pro rata share capitalization” 是什麼意思?
Founder Shares
In January 2020, the Sponsor purchased 8,625,000 of then-outstanding SCH Class B ordinary shares for an aggregate purchase price of $25,000, or approximately $0.003 per share (after a subsequent share capitalization on April 27, 2020) (the “founder shares”).
In March 2020, the Sponsor transferred 100,000 founder shares to each of David Spillane and Cipora Herman (two of SCH’s independent directors) at their original per-share purchase price.
On April 27, 2020, SCH effected a pro rata share capitalization resulting in an increase in the total number of founder shares outstanding from 8,625,000 to 10,350,000 in order to maintain the ownership of founder shares at 20% of the issued and outstanding ordinary shares of SCH upon consummation of its initial public offering.
The Sponsor received 1,725,000 founder shares in the share capitalization as a result of our independent directors waiving their right to receive shares in the share capitalization.
In connection with the Business Combination, upon the Domestication, 10,350,000 founder shares were converted automatically, on a one-for-one basis, into a share of our common stock.
《第二階段》後,Sponsor 的 2.5 萬美元會變成 8280 萬美元:
儘管 Sponsor 在《第一階段》以 2.5萬美元的價格買進 8,625,000 股的 B 股,因為總股數在《第二階段》後會增加,Sponsor 為了維持 20% 的股東權益(ownership)所額外增加的 1,725,000 股,正如橘色標注的地方維持在 2.5 萬美元,因此 Sponsor 實際上是不用付出任何一毛錢的。
IPOB 在 《第二階段》募資金額為 4.14 億美元,若按照 20% 的股東權益來計算,約為 8280 萬美元,意即 2.5 萬美元在《第二階段》後暴增 3000 倍。
26,375,000 股中有 10,350,000 股被歸類為 Founder Shares ,其股權佔比為 1.69%。(參考《第三篇》)
《第五階段》後,若以新公司的『企業價值』(Enterprise Value)來看,2.5 萬美元會變成 7360 萬美元:
以 Transaction overview 來看,在《第五階段》後,企業價值(Enterprise Value)估為 48 億美元,其 1.6% 約為 7360 萬美元,暴增超過 2900 倍。
《第五階段》後,若以『市值』來看,2.5 萬美元會變成 2.4 億美元:
以 2021 年 01 月 29 日的股價(26.12 美元)來看的話,市值 (Market Cap) 為 142.2 億美元,2.5 萬美元成本的 Founder Shares 的市值大概是 2.4 億美元, 暴增超過 9000 倍 。
Simultaneously with the consummation of the initial public offering of SCH, the Sponsor purchased 6,133,333 warrants to purchase one SCH Class A ordinary share at an exercise price of $11.50 (the “private placement warrants”) at a price of $1.50 per warrant, or $9.2 million in the aggregate, in a private placement. Each private placement warrant entitles the holder to purchase one SCH Class A ordinary share for $11.50 per share. In connection with the Business Combination, upon the Domestication, each of the 6,133,333 private placement warrants converted automatically into a warrant to acquire one share of our common stock.
(2)應該也是賺很大的 BTWN,超過 4000 倍:
BTWN 僅完成《第二階段》,所以本部分只觀察 Sponsor 在《第二階段》後的獲利狀況。
BTWN 最初發行 2,875,000 股的創始人股份,後來透過數次的股票股利(a share dividend of 1 share for each ordinary share)的操作,創始人股份的股數變得越來越多,在完成《第二階段》之後變成 13,158,137 股。(anti-dilution protection,創始人股份所擁有的反稀釋條款)
BTWN — PROSPECTUS — Summary / The Offering — Founder shares
In July 2020, our sponsor purchased an aggregate of 2,875,000 founder shares for an aggregate purchase price of $25,000, or approximately $0.004 per share.
In July 2020, we effected a share dividend of 1 share for each ordinary share in issue, resulting in our sponsor holding an aggregate of 5,750,000 founder shares,
in September 2020, we effected a share dividend of 1.5 shares for each ordinary share in issue, resulting in our sponsor holding an aggregate of 14,375,000 founder shares and
in October 2020, we effected a share dividend of 0.1 shares for each ordinary share in issue, resulting in our sponsor holding an aggregate of 13,158,137 founder shares (which amount includes the transfers described below and up to 2,062,500 shares of which are subject to forfeiture depending on the extent to which the underwriters’ over-allotment option is exercised).
Also in September 2020, our sponsor transferred 2,001,863 founder shares to our Chief Executive Officer, 632,500 founder shares to an affiliate of our sponsor and 5,000 founder shares to each of our independent directors and our senior advisor (which amounts have been adjusted for the share dividend of 0.1 shares for each ordinary share in issue, as well as transfers back to our sponsor by our independent directors and our senior advisor of 500 shares each, which they received as a result of the share dividend).
The founder shares held by our independent directors and our senior advisor shall not be subject to forfeiture in the event the over-allotment option is not exercised.
Prior to the initial investment in the company of $25,000 by our sponsor, the company had no assets, tangible or intangible.
The purchase price of the founder shares was determined by dividing the amount of cash contributed to us by the number of founder shares issued.
Our initial shareholders will own 20% of our issued and outstanding shares after this offering (assuming they do not purchase units in this offering).
就 BTWN (BTWN — PROSPECTUS — Dilution)而言:
從下表可看到,發起人(Bridgetown LLC)以 25,000 美元獲得 13,750,000 股的 B 股,佔股權資本(ownership)的比重為 20%。以此推估,發起人股份自 2,875,000 增加至 13,750,000 股,是不用花錢的(其實從” 股票股利(a share dividend of 1 share for each ordinary share)的操作” 也可猜到)。
看起來就是為了要維持 20% 的比重 (上述文字的最後一段: Our initial shareholders will own 20% of our issued and outstanding shares after this offering (assuming they do not purchase units in this offering))。
《第二階段》後,Sponsor 的 2.5 萬美元會變成 1.1 億美元:
BTWN 的 Sponsor 以 2.5 萬美元的代價買進 13,750,000 股的 Founder Share (Class B common stock),在《第二階段》共募資 5.5 億美元左右之後,Sponsor 的股東權益比重維持在 20%, B 股的價值從 2.5 萬美元增加至 1.1億美元,紙上富貴暴增超過 4,000 倍。
就筆者的了解,BTWN 的 20% 指的是『股權資本(ownership)』的比重; PSTH 的 20% 指的是『投票權 (Voting Right) 』的比重;
(3)將於 2021 年第一季完成《第五階段》的 SBE
Switchback Energy Acquisition Corporation (SBE) 於 2019 年 05 月 10 日 成立,2019 年 07 月 26 日發布公開發行書(PROSPECTUS),並於 2020 年 9 月 23 日宣布找到併購標的- ChargePoint, Inc., ,最後將於 2021 年 2 月 11 日舉行股東會(Special Meeting),在 2020 年 12 月 16 日當日持有 A 股跟 B 股的股東將有權利參與投票;在股東會的前幾天,每位股東都應會收到詢問要不要執行贖回權(redemption rights) 的股務通知,請參考《第一篇》。
根據 2019 年 7 月 26 日發行的 PROSPECTUS,SBE 在《第二階段》發行 3 千萬個單位,內含 1 股 『A 股』 (Class A common stock)(public shares)與 1/3 的『可贖回認股權證』(one-third of one redeemable warrant,意即每 3 個單位才可以獲得 1 張完整的、可執行的可贖回認股權證)(public warrants)。
《第二階段》發行的 3 千萬個單位與『私募認股權證』 (private placement warrants)所募得的現金 (3 億美元加上 800 萬美元的現金),將被放入信託帳戶(Trust Sccount) 。
Unit 在《第二階段》會被分拆成 A 股跟可贖回認股權證,但持有人可選擇要不要分拆;《第五階段》後,Unit 將自動分拆成 A 股跟可贖回認股權證。因此,SBE 與 ChargePoint 的合併案若獲得通過,原本的 SBE.U、SBE 和 SBE WS 將變為 CHPT 和 CHPT WS(SBE.U 將在 《第五階段》完成後停止交易,並自動分拆為 A 股跟認股權證)。
2019 年 7 月 26 日發行的 PROSPECTUS
Of the approximately $308.0 million in proceeds we receive from this offering and the sale of the private placement warrants described in this prospectus, or $353.9 million if the underwriters’ option to purchase additional units is exercised in full, $300 million ($10.00 per unit), or approximately $345 million if the underwriters’ option to purchase additional units is exercised in full ($10.00 per unit), will be deposited into a U.S. -based trust account with Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company acting as trustee, and $8.0 million, including $6.0 million in underwriting discounts and commissions (or approximately $8.9 million, including approximately $6.9 million in underwriting discounts and commissions, if the underwriters’ option to purchase additional units is exercised in full), will be used to pay fees and expenses in connection with the closing of this offering and for working capital following the closing of this offering.
SBE 的 Sponsor(NGP Swithback, LLC) 以 2.5 萬美元的代價買進 8,625,000股的 Founder Share (Class B common stock),只有 B 股持有人有權利選出董事會成員,B 股還具有執行反稀釋條款(anti-dilution provisions)的權利,可以在《第二階段》後讓 B 股占股權資本的比重維持在 20%。
對散戶來說,兩個重要的 Sponsor 義務:
(a)義務 — 閉鎖期,將影響股價的表現:
Sponsor 所持有的股份(來自於 Founder Shares ,以及執行私募認股權證)有基本的轉讓限制(Transfer restrictions on founder shares),在完成《第五階段》的 1 年後才能夠轉讓予出售(稱作閉鎖期 — Lock-Up),因此散戶在併購完成的 1 年後,才要開始擔心內部人賣股票;(或完成《第五階段》的 150 天後,任何 30 個交易日期間有 20 個交易日的 A 股股價高於 12 美元,Sponsor 所持有的 A 股就可在市場上進行交易)。
(b)義務 — 有 A 股可分得信託帳戶中的現金:
如果在 24 個月之內沒有辦法完成合併案,啟動 <退場機制 2> 時,發起人是不能夠根據所持有的 B 股去均分存在信託帳戶裡面的現金,但可根據其所持有的 A 股去分一杯羹(下面的 (ii) ),Sponsor 的私募認股權證的價值也將歸零。
2019 年 7 月 26 日發行的 PROSPECTUS
our sponsor, officers and directors have entered into a letter agreement with us, pursuant to which they have agreed
(i) to waive their redemption rights with respect to any founder shares and any public shares held by them in connection with the completion of our initial business combination,
(ii) to waive their redemption rights with respect to any founder shares and public shares held by them in connection with a stockholder vote to amend our amended and restated certificate of incorporation in a manner that would affect the substance or timing of our obligation to redeem 100% o four public shares if we have not consummated an initial business combination within 24 months from the closing of this offering and
(iii) to waive their rights to liquidating distributions from the trust account with respect to any founder shares held by them if we fail to complete our initial business combination within 24 months from the closing of this offering (although they will be entitled to liquidating distributions from the trust account with respect to any public shares they hold if we fail to complete our business combination within the prescribed time frame).
保護散戶,六個月內,ChargePonit 的大股東也不能賣股:
另一方面,對於一般的散戶來說,持有 92.2% 的 ChargePonit 的大股東,也同意在合併案完成後的六個月內,不對其所持有的股份進行任何包括出售、轉讓或質押等動作,甚至是宣稱將進行上述的行為,因為這些言論或行為都會對股價造成影響。 (Lock-Up Agreements)
2021 年 01 月 08 日公布的 Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)]
Lock-Up Agreements
Concurrently with ChargePoint entering into the Business Combination Agreement, certain stockholders of ChargePoint, whose ownership interests represent 92.2% of the outstanding ChargePoint Common Stock (voting on an as-converted basis) in the aggregate, have agreed, subject to certain customary exceptions, not to effect any (a) direct or indirect sale, assignment, encumbrance, pledge, hypothecation, disposition, loan or other transfer, or entry into any agreement with respect to any sale, assignment, encumbrance, pledge, hypothecation, disposition, loan or other transfer, with respect to any shares of Class A Common Stock held by them immediately after the Closing, including any shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of options or warrants to purchase shares of Class A Common Stock held by them immediately following the Closing or (b) publicly announce any intention to effect any transaction specified in clause (a), in each case, for six months after the Closing.
接著看一下,SBE 的 Sponsor 可以有多少暴利。
《第二階段》後,Sponsor 的 2.5 萬美元會變成 6000 萬美元:
SBE 的 Sponsor(NGP Swithback, LLC) 以 2.5 萬美元的代價買進 8,625,000股的 Founder Share (Class B common stock);《第二階段》共募資 3.00 億美元左右之後,Sponsor 的股東權益比重將降至 20%(Sponsor 沒有執行反稀釋條款(anti-dilution provisions),放棄 1,125,000 股的 B 股,以維持 20% 的比重),但是其持有的 B 股的價值從 2.5 萬美元增加至 6000 萬美元,『紙上富貴』暴增 2400 倍;因為 Sponsor 所持有的股份(來自於 Founder Shares ,以及執行私募認股權證)有基本的轉讓限制(Transfer restrictions on founder shares),在完成《第五階段》的 1 年後才能夠轉讓予出售(稱作閉鎖期 — Lock-Up)。
《第五階段》後,Sponsor 的 2.5 萬美元會變成多少錢?
股東會若是投票通過合併案,Sponsor 所持有的 B 股將在《第五階段》之後將轉為 A 股,占股東權益的比重將自 19.7% 進一步降至 2.4%。
《第五階段》後,若以新公司的『企業價值』(Enterprise Value)計算,2.5 萬美元會變成 4800 萬美元:
若是根據所發行的 Presentation 檔案,Sponsor 所持有的 B 股的股權占比是 2%,亦即在合併後的 24 億美元的企業價值中,有 4800 萬美元是屬於 Sponsor(NGP Swithback, LLC),2.5 萬美元的初始投資,『紙上富貴』暴增 1900 倍至 4800 萬美元;
因為 Sponsor 所持有的股份(來自於 Founder Shares ,以及執行私募認股權證)有基本的轉讓限制(Transfer restrictions on founder shares),在完成《第五階段》的 1 年後才能夠轉讓予出售(稱作閉鎖期 — Lock-Up)。
公布合併案後,以市值計算,2.5 萬美元會變成 3.26 億美元:
如果以 2021 年 2 月 4 日的收盤價(40.47 美元)來看,根據 finviz.com 網站上的數據,SBE 當日市值高達 16.5 億美元,其中的 19.8% 是屬於 Sponsor(NGP Swithback, LLC),也就是 3.26 億美元,『紙上富貴』暴增超過 13,000 倍 。是否暗示市場看好此併購案?
最後,來看看 SBE 官方的計算方式:
根據合併計畫書內容 (Business Combination Agreement) 計算,發起人投入的 2.5 萬美元,若以 2020 年 12 月 16 日的收盤價 (34.95 美元)來計算的話,將價值 2.4 億美元。獨立董事無償獲得的 12 萬股的發起人股分,則會價值 419.4 萬美元。
2021 年 01 月 08 日公布的 Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)]
the fact that our Sponsor paid an aggregate of $25,000 for the Founder Shares, including 120,000 Founder Shares which were subsequently transferred to our independent directors, and that such securities will have a significantly higher value at the time of the Business Combination, which if unrestricted and freely tradable would be valued at approximately $240,044,813, based on the closing price of our Class A Common Stock of $34.95 per share on December 16, 2020 (after giving effect to the forfeiture of Founder Shares contemplated by the Founders Stock Letter and not taking into account the Founder Earn Back Shares);
the fact that our independent directors own an aggregate of 120,000 Founder Shares that were transferred from our Sponsor, which if unrestricted and freely tradeable would be valued at approximately $4,194,000, based on the closing price of our Class A Common Stock of $34.95 per share on December 16, 2020;
PIPE Financing,私募投資人(New PIPE Investors)真的賺『很快』:
為了補充資金供新公司使用,SBE 於 2020 年 09 月 23 日與一些投資人達成認購協議(Subscription Agreements),私募投資人將以每股 10 美元的價格買進 22,500,000 股的 A 股,共付出 2.25 億美元,認購協議與《第五階段》將同步完成(意即錢一匯到帳上,22,500,000 股的 A 股馬上可以依市價計算損益?);不過,並沒有查到什麼時候可以賣的相關資料。
2021 年 01 月 08 日公布的Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)]
In connection with the execution of the Business Combination Agreement, on September 23, 2020, Switchback entered into separate subscription agreements (each a “Subscription Agreement” and collectively, the “Subscription Agreements”) with each of the New PIPE Investors, pursuant to which the New PIPE Investors agreed to purchase, and Switchback agreed to sell to the New PIPE Investors, an aggregate of 22,500,000 PIPE Shares for a purchase price of $10.00 per share and an aggregate purchase price of $225,000,000, in the PIPE Financing.
The closing of the sale of the PIPE Shares pursuant to the Subscription Agreements will take place substantially concurrently with the Closing and is contingent upon, among other customary closing conditions, the subsequent consummation of the Business Combination.
The purpose of the PIPE Financing is to raise additional capital for use by the post -combination company following the Closing.
Pursuant to the Subscription Agreements, Switchback agreed that, within 15 business days after the consummation of the Business Combination, New ChargePoint will file with the SEC (at New ChargePoint’s sole cost and expense) a registration statement registering the resale of the PIPE Shares (the “PIPE Resale Registration Statement”), and New ChargePoint will use its reasonable best efforts to have the PIPE Resale Registration Statement declared effective as soon as practicable after the filing thereof.
A 股在 2020 年 12 月 16 日的收盤價為 34.95 美元,因此 2.25 億美元已經成長為 7.86 億美元。
2021 年 01 月 08 日公布的 Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)]
Pursuant to the PIPE Financing, we have agreed to issue and sell to certain investors, and those investors have agreed to buy from us, in connection with the Closing, an aggregate of 22,500,000 shares of Class A Common Stock at a purchase price of $10.00 per share for an aggregate commitment of $225,000,000. Such Class A Common Stock would be valued at approximately$786,375,000, based on the closing price of our Class A Common Stock of $34.95 per share on December 16, 2020.
根據合併計畫書內容 (Business Combination Agreement) 顯示, (1)如果太多 A 股股東選擇執行贖回權,導致淨資產低於 5,000,001 美元,SBE 將沒有能力執行合併案, (2) 信託帳戶的餘額,加上 PIPE 股東所投入的資金,在扣除贖回與合併相關支出後,在合併生效前,必須要超過 3 億美元的現金。
2021 年 01 月 08 日公布的 Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)]
As of September 30, 2020, there was approximately $317.0 million in the Trust Account, which Switchback intends to use for the purpose of consummating the Business Combination. Each redemption of shares by public stockholders will decrease the amount in the Trust Account. Switchback will not consummate the Business Combination if the redemption of shares would result in Switchback’s failure to have at least $5,000,001 of net tangible assets. In addition, the Business Combination Agreement includes a condition to closing that Switchback have at least $300,000,000 in available cash (including proceeds in connection with the private offering of securities of Switchback and the funds in the Trust Account) immediately prior to the effective time of the Merger, after taking into account payments required to satisfy redemptions of shares by public stockholders and the payment of Switchback’s transaction costs.
(1)IPOB (OPEN):《第二階段》後,Sponsor 的 2.5 萬美元會變成 8280 萬美元;《第五階段》後,若以『企業價值』(Enterprise Value)來看,2.5 萬美元會變成 7360 萬美元;《第五階段》後,若以『市值』(Market Cap)(2021 年 01 月 29 日的股價)來看,2.5 萬美元會變成 2.4 億美元。
(2) BTWN:《第二階段》後,Sponsor 的 2.5 萬美元會變成 1.1 億美元。
(3) SBE:《第二階段》後,Sponsor 的 2.5 萬美元會變成 6000 萬美元;《第五階段》後,若以『企業價值』(Enterprise Value)計算,2.5 萬美元會變成 4800 萬美元;公布合併案後,以市值(Market Cap)(以 2021 年 2 月 4 日的收盤價)計算,2.5 萬美元會變成 3.26 億美元。
(A)一般 SPAC 發起人報酬率:
(a)如 CNBC 所言,一般的 SPAC 的發起人結構,讓 B 股具有執行反稀釋條款(anti-dilution provisions)的權利,可以在《第二階段》後讓 B 股占『股權資本的比重維持在 20%』,因此只要完成 《第二階段》,發起人的獲利通常都有數千倍不等的報酬率,端看該階段的募資金額的高低;因為發起人股份占股權資本的占比普遍為 20%,因此將 《第二階段》 所募得的金額 * 20%,就可以知道發起人的報酬率,(3) SBE 的官方計算方式也是如此。(b)不過,CNBC 沒有提到的是,發起人所獲得的 Founder Shares 跟私募認股權證都有閉鎖期的限制 (搜尋 “Principal Stockholders — Transfers of Founder Shares and Private Placement Warrants”),也就是在完成《第五階段》的『一年後』,相關的 A 股(B 股轉換成 A 股,或者是將私募認股權證執行為 A 股)跟私募認股權證才可以進行買賣跟轉讓。
回到主角 — PSTH 上,PSTH 是與眾不同的。
(A)PSTH 跟其他 SPAC 相同的地方:
(i) 發起人也以 2.5 萬美元的代價獲得 100 股的 B 股(100 shares of Class B Common Stock, the Sponsor Shares)(通常發起人股份都是 B 股),跟散戶在第二階段買到的 A 股相比(散戶拿的是 A 股)。(ii) 完成《第五階段》後,1 股的 B 股將自動被轉換成 1 股的 A 股。
(iii) 在合併之前(Initial Business Combination)持有 B 股的發起人有權利任命所有的董事會成員。
(B)PSTH 跟其他 SPAC 不同的地方:
PSTH 注重的是投票權,其 B 股雖僅 100 股,但投票權 (Voting Right) 的權重卻是高達 20%,而有 2 億股 A 股的投票權重僅有 80% ;不過,其股東權益(Ownership)則會隨著股本的增加而被大幅稀釋。(C)PSTH 致力於通過合併案:
一般 SPAC 因為維持 20% 的股東權益(ownership)而獲得暴利;但是 PSTH 放棄了 發起人股份的暴利,但為了維持投票權,以及與股東利益維持一致,PSTH 以(C)Forward Purchase(遠期購買)的方式來買進至少 10 億美元的單位,以確保合併案可以通過。後面將詳述(C)Forward Purchase(遠期購買)對股東權益的影響與變化。(D)PSTH 的發起人報酬率:
一般 SPAC 的 20% 指的是『股權資本(ownership)』的比重; PSTH 的 20% 指的是『投票權 (Voting Right) 』的比重,這有非常大的差異。基本上,發起人股份在《第二階段》後占『股權資本(ownership)』的比重幾乎可以忽略不計,因此沒有暴利的產生;但是, PSTH 發起人會為了提高『股權資本(Ownership)』的比重,而以真金白銀買進更多的股份,以此推論 PSTH 的發起人是與所有股東是站在同一陣線的,因為新公司未來的成長,才會為發起人跟散戶帶來資產上的成長;如何真金白銀,請看後面的解釋。
PSTH 認為自己是與其他 SPAC 不一樣的。
Unlike other blank check companies, our Sponsor is not being afforded the opportunity to purchase 20% of our stock at a nominal price; our Sponsor will, instead, purchase the Sponsor Warrants at their fair market value as described above, with an exercise price of $24.00 per share, as will our independent directors for their Director Warrants.
Our Sponsor and our independent directors will only participate in the value of our company if our stock price is at least 20% higher than the initial offering price in this offering (if such warrants are then-exercisable).
Our Sponsor and directors are paying fair market value (at the date of this offering) for the opportunity to realize any such gain.
先看看 PSTH 跟其他 SPAC 相同的地方:
根據發行書內容(PSTH — PROSPECTUS),(i)其發起人也以 2.5 萬美元的代價獲得 100 股的 B 股(100 shares of Class B Common Stock, the “Sponsor Shares”)(通常發起人股份都是 B 股),(ii) 在《第五階段》之後 ( Initial Business Combination),1 股的 B 股將自動被轉換成 1 股的 A 股,(iii) 在《第五階段》完成之前,持有 B 股的發起人有權利任命所有的董事會成員。
不一樣的地方在於,少少的 100 股 B 股的『投票權 (Voting Right)』 的權重高達 20%,但其『股東權益(Ownership)』則會隨著股本的增加而被大幅稀釋,其他 SPAC 則是強調,其『股東權益(Ownership)』將因反稀釋條款(anti-dilution provisions)而維持在 20% 的比重。
On May 7, 2020, the Sponsor acquired 100 shares of Class B Common Stock (the “Sponsor Shares”) for an aggregate purchase price of $25,000, or $250.00 per share. As used herein, unless the context otherwise requires, “Sponsor Shares” shall be deemed to include the shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon conversion thereof. The Sponsor Shares are identical to the Class A Common Stock included in the Units being sold in the Proposed Offering except that:
(i) the Sponsor Shares will have, in the aggregate, the voting power of 20.0% of the issued and outstanding common stock of the Company immediately following the Proposed Offering, while the shares of Class A Common Stock will have, in the aggregate, 80.0% of the voting power of the issued and outstanding common stock of the Company immediately following the Proposed Offering;
(ii) the Sponsor Shares automatically convert into shares of Class A Common Stock at the time of the Company’s Initial Business Combination on a one-for-one basis, subject to adjustments and certain transfer restrictions; and
(iii) the holders of the Sponsor Shares shall have the right to elect all directors of the Company prior to the Initial Business Combination.
可以看到,這邊都是特別寫『投票權』( Voting Power )。
Our Sponsor owns 100 shares of our Class B Common Stock, par value $0.0001 per share (“Class B Common Stock”) each of which carries that number of votes such that, in the aggregate, the holders of Class B Common Stock will have 20.0% of the voting power of the issued and outstanding shares of common stock immediately following this offering.
Because the voting power held by each share of Class B Common Stock will not be adjusted following this offering, upon the issuance of any Forward Purchase Units, the Class B Common Stock will have, in the aggregate, less than 20.0% of the voting power of the then-issued and outstanding shares of our common stock.
The shares of Class B Common Stock will automatically convert into shares of Class A Common Stock at a one-to-one ratio at the time of our initial business combination.
PSTH 的 B 股在《第二階段》後,其『投票權』(Voting Power)』會被稀釋至 20% 的下限,『股權資本(Ownership)』的比重則會被稀釋到被忽略不計;當完成《第五階段》後,創始⼈股份(B 股)通常會轉換為 A 股,發起⼈的『股份占比』(Ownership)則會再進一步被⼤幅地稀釋。
The following tables do not reflect record or beneficial ownership of the Sponsor Warrants, Director Warrants or Forward Purchase Warrants, as such warrants are not exercisable within 60 days of the date of this prospectus.
The following tables present the number of shares and percentage of our common stock beneficially owned by our Sponsor, the members of our Sponsor (in their capacity as such, and as the Forward Purchasers), directors, director nominees and officers before this offering and after this offering, as well as the voting power held by each such owner.
Following the offering, our Forward Purchasers will be deemed to beneficially own the Forward Purchase Shares underlying the Committed Forward Purchase Units and Additional Forward Purchase Units that they have the right to purchase, and the Director Forward Purchasers will be deemed to own the Forward Purchase Shares underlying the Director Forward Purchase Units.
We have also presented, solely for illustrative purposes, the ownership and voting power of each of the below persons after this offering if such person’s beneficial ownership (i) did not include any Forward Purchase Shares and (ii) did not include any Forward Purchase Shares underlying the Additional Forward Purchase Units.
但是, Sponsor 可以透過執行(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買),以真金白銀買進更多的單位(Unit)來提昇股東權益(Ownership)
(1)《第一階段》後,Sponsor 持有的股數是全部,因此擁有 100% 的投票權(Voting Power)與股東權益(Ownership)。
(2) 《第二階段》後,除了發行 2 億股的新股(A 股)外,發起人跟董事還有權利在《第五階段》之前執行(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買)來買進更多的單位(Unit),此單位同樣內含 A 股跟認股權證。該 A 股將被用來計算投票權(Poting power)與股東權益(Ownership);不過,該認股權證為遠期購買認股權證 (Forward Purchase Warrants)要等到完成 《第五階段》後才能執行去買進 A 股,故不納入計算;因此將有三種不同的情境。
有關(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買單位)的解釋,請看《第五篇》。
情境一、不執行所有的(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買):發起人的股數維持不變,因此投票權(Voting Power)自 100% 降至 20%,但股東權益(Ownership)剩下 *,也就是遠低於 1% 、可忽略不計的意思。
但是,此情境的機會低,因為發起人已經簽下(C -1-a)Committed Forward Purchase Units(已承諾遠期購買單位)。
情境二、執行 (C -1-a)Committed Forward Purchase Units (已承諾遠期購買單位);但不執行(C-1-b)Additional Forward Purchase Units (額外遠期購買單位):因 Pershing Square Funds(即 William A. Ackman) 可執行 (C-1-a)Committed Forward Purchase Units(已承諾遠期購買單位) ,因此將以 10 億美元買進 5000 萬個單位 (內含 5000 萬股 A股),其股東權益(Ownership)將有 20%,投票權(Voting Power)合計將有 33.4%。
CNBC 認為,考量到 Ackman 所管理的資金部位高低,此情境的發生機率高。
情境三、執行全部的(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買):Pershing Square Funds (即 William A. Ackman) 除了可以執行 (C -1-a)Committed Forward Purchase Units (已承諾遠期購買單位) 以 10 億美元去買進 5000 萬股 A 股之外,還可以執行(C-1-b)Additional Forward Purchase Units (額外遠期購買單位) 以 20 億美元去買進 1 億個單位 (內含 1 億股 A股),其股東權益(ownership)將有 42.9%,投票權將有 50%。
CNBC 認為,考量到 Ackman 所管理的資金部位高低,要再拿出 20 億美元的難度較高。
在 《第一階段》時:
Sponsor 持有的股數是全部,因此擁有 100% 的投票權(Voting Power)與股東權益(Ownership)。
在 《第二階段》時:
除了發行 2 億股的新股(A 股)外,發起人跟董事還有權利在《第五階段》之前執行(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買),因此可以買進更多的單位(Unit),此單位同樣內含 A 股跟認股權證。該 A 股將被用來計算投票權(Voting Power)與股東權益(Ownership);不過,該認股權證為遠期購買權證 (Forward Purchase Warrants)要等到完成 《第五階段》後才能執行去買進 A 股,故不納入計算。
有關(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買單位)的解釋,請看《第五篇》。
情境一、不執行所有的(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買)
《第二階段》後,發起人的股數維持不變,因此投票權(voting power)自 100% 降至 20%,但股東權益(ownership)剩下 *,也就是遠低於 1% 、可忽略不計的意思。
情境二、執行 (B -1-a)Committed Forward Purchase Units (已承諾遠期購買單位);但不執行(B-1-b)Additional Forward Purchase Units (額外遠期購買單位)。
《第二階段》後,發起人的股數不變,投票權(voting power)自 100% 降至 20%,但股東權益(ownership)剩下 *,也就是遠低於 1% 、可忽略不計的意思。
不過,因 Pershing Square Funds (即 William A. Ackman) 可以執行 (B -1-a)Committed Forward Purchase Units (已承諾遠期購買單位),因此將以10 億美元買進 5000 萬個單位 (內含 5000 萬股 A股),其股東權益(Ownership)將有 20%,投票權(Voting Power)合計將有 33.4%。
其他包括 Michael Ovit 與 Jacqueline Reses 等董事都將執行 (B-2)Director Forward Purchase Agreement(董事遠期購買協議),因此分別有 25 萬 與 5 萬股的 A 股。其投票權(voting power)和 股東權益(ownership)剩下 *,也就是遠低於 1% 、可忽略不計的意思。
情境三、執行全部的(B)Forward Purchase Units (遠期購買單位)
《第二階段》後,發起人的股數不變,投票權(Voting Power)自 100% 降至 20%,但股東權益(Ownership)剩下 *,也就是遠低於 1% 、可忽略不計的意思。
其他包括 Michael Ovit 與 Jacqueline Reses 等董事還是會執行 (B-2)Director Forward Purchase Agreement (董事遠期購買協議),因此仍有 25 萬 與 5 萬股的 A 股。其投票權(Voting power)和 股東權益(Ownership)仍是可忽略不計。
不過, Pershing Square Funds (即 William A. Ackman) 除了可以執行 (B -1-a)Committed Forward Purchase Units (已承諾遠期購買單位) 以 10 億美元去買進 5000 萬股 A 股之外,還可以執行(B-1-b)Additional Forward Purchase Units (額外遠期購買單位) 以 20 億美元去買進 1 億個單位 (內含 1 億股 A股),其股東權益(ownership)將有 42.9%,投票權將有 50%。
因此,在這個情境下,投票權(Voting Power)將在 50%,確保併購案可以在股東會上通過,而為了發起人的股東權益(Ownership)占比達到 42.9%,發起人要多花 30 億美元,相比其他 SPAC 只要花 2.5 萬美元就可以獲得 20% 的股東權益(Ownership),看起來是不是明顯地降低了獲利的不對稱性?
執行全部的(C)Forward Purchase(遠期購買)所獲得的 30 億美元(20 億美元加上 10 億美元),將被放入 營運帳戶(The proceeds of all purchases of Forward Purchase Units will be deposited into our operating account),推測 <退場機制 2> 應沒有辦法拿回這個帳戶的錢?
The Forward Purchase Agreement also provides that the Forward Purchasers may elect to purchase up to an additional aggregate of $2,000,000,000 of units (which we refer to as the “Additional Forward Purchase Units”), which will also have a purchase price of $20.00 and consist of one share of Class A Common Stock and one-third of one warrant.
Any elections to purchase the up to 100,000,000 Additional Forward Purchase Units will also take place in one or more private placements, in such amounts and at such time or times as the Forward Purchasers determine, but no later than simultaneously with the closing of our initial business combination.
We and the Forward Purchasers may determine, by mutual agreement, to increase the number of Additional Forward Purchase Units at any time prior to our initial business combination.
The Forward Purchasers’ right to purchase the Additional Forward Purchase Units may be transferred, in whole or in part, to any entity that is managed by PSCM, but not to third parties.
The Forward Purchasers’ obligation or right, as applicable, to purchase the Forward Purchase Units will be allocated among the Forward Purchasers from time to time as described herein. In addition, certain of our independent directors have committed to purchase an aggregate of $6,000,000 of such units, as further described herein, which, collectively with the Committed Forward Purchase Units and Additional Forward Purchase Units, we refer to as the “Forward Purchase Units.”
The proceeds of all purchases of Forward Purchase Units will be deposited into our operating account.
(1)《第一階段》後,Sponsor 持有的股數是全部,因此擁有 100% 的投票權(voting power)與股東權益(ownership)。
(2) 《第二階段》後,除了發行 2 億股的新股(A 股)外,發起人跟董事還有權利在《第五階段》之前執行(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買)來買進更多的單位(Unit),此單位同樣內含 A 股跟認股權證。該 A 股將被用來計算投票權(voting power)與股東權益(ownership);不過,該認股權證為遠期購買認股權證 (Forward Purchase Warrants)要等到完成 《第五階段》後才能執行去買進 A 股,故不納入計算;因此將有三種不同的情境。
有關(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買單位)的解釋,請看《第五篇》。
情境一、不執行所有的(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買):發起人的股數維持不變,因此投票權(voting power)自 100% 降至 20%,但股東權益(ownership)剩下 *,也就是遠低於 1% 、可忽略不計的意思。
但是,此情境的機會低,因為發起人已經簽下(C -1-a)Committed Forward Purchase Units (已承諾遠期購買單位)。
情境二、執行 (C -1-a)Committed Forward Purchase Units (已承諾遠期購買單位);但不執行(C-1-b)Additional Forward Purchase Units (額外遠期購買單位):因 Pershing Square Funds(即 William A. Ackman) 可執行 (C-1-a)Committed Forward Purchase Units(已承諾遠期購買單位) ,因此將以 10 億美元買進 5000 萬個單位 (內含 5000 萬股 A股),其股東權益(Ownership)將有 20%,投票權(Voting Power)合計將有 33.4%。
CNBC 認為,考量到 Ackman 所管理的資金部位高低,此情境的發生機率高。
情境三、執行全部的(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買):Pershing Square Funds (即 William A. Ackman) 除了可以執行 (C -1-a)Committed Forward Purchase Units (已承諾遠期購買單位) 以 10 億美元去買進 5000 萬股 A 股之外,還可以執行(C<-1-b)Additional Forward Purchase Units (額外遠期購買單位) 以 20 億美元去買進 1 億個單位 (內含 1 億股 A股),其股東權益(ownership)將有 42.9%,投票權將有 50%。
CNBC 認為,考量到 Ackman 所管理的資金部位高低,要再拿出 20 億美元的難度較高。
雖然,發起⼈確實在開始時就為 SPAC 的運營資本需求提供資⾦,通常以私募股票或認股權證作為回報,這通常需要花費數百萬美元。因此,如果沒有成功的交易,發起⼈將承擔失去這項投資的風險(這通常被稱為發起⼈的風險資本)。
但是,CNBC 認為,PSTH 所設計的機制,主要還是希望激勵發起⼈跟董事可以認真的為投資人找到一個好的併購標的,並發揮其專業,讓新公司可以好好營運,為股東創造最大利益,即股價上漲。
另一方面,CNBC 認為,PSTH 除了讓股東願意長期投資之外,合併案的通過基本上也只需要董事會的同意即可。
CNBC — Bill Ackman and Tontine Holdings rewrite the terms for SPACs
The only uncertainty in a SPAC is if the acquirer will approve it or if its shareholders will choose to redeem instead. Well, Pershing Square’s structure has taken a lot of that uncertainty away as well.
The transaction will not necessarily require shareholder approval, just board approval; and the possibility of redeeming shareholders was greatly mitigated because of the Tontine-style warrants, the fact that Pershing Square will be investing over a billion dollars of its own money and because unlike most SPACs, shareholders are not looking at a 20% dilution from Founders shares.
CNBC 認為,整體而言,PSTH 的信託帳戶中的資金可以高達 55 億美元,其中大概有 15 億美元的資金是來自於 Ackman,而 CNBC 預估其併購的標的的企業價值將介於 88–550 億美元之間,假設 Ackman的股權比重最高僅有 6% 左右,其投入的 15 億美元將變成 33 億美元。
CNBC — Bill Ackman and Tontine Holdings rewrite the terms for SPACs
Pershing Square is looking for a minority position and we are assuming they will have $5.5 billion of capital. We also believe it will be just one large company they will be spending the money on. By prospectus, they have to spend at least 80% of their capital. If you assume they would want at least 10% of the company, that makes the target worth between $8.8 and $55 billion.
Pershing Square will look for a company with similar characteristics as its activist investments: a simple, high-quality, high return on capital business that generates predictable growing cash flows that can be estimated within a reasonable range over the long term.
The types of companies it will be looking at will be:
(i) a high-quality, well-managed, large capitalization company that is looking for a better alternative to an IPO, such as Rocket Mortgage, which just recently filed for an IPO;
(ii) a “mature unicorn” — a high-quality, venture-backed business that has achieved significant scale, market share, competitive dominance and cash flow that does not have as much private funding options as it used to due to the problems at Softbank and the ramifications to the venture market from companies like WeWork;
(iii) large private equity portfolio companies that have become distressed due to their typically highly leveraged balance sheets and will require substantial equity infusions to withstand the impact of the current crisis; and
(iv) large, high-quality, private family-owned companies that now are required to raise capital due to the economic downturn caused by the COVID–19 pandemic.
(A)PSTH 跟其他 SPAC 不同的地方:
PSTH 注重的是投票權,其 B 股雖僅 100 股,但投票權 (Voting Right) 的權重卻是高達 20%,而有 2 億股 A 股的投票權重僅有 80% ;不過,其股東權益(Ownership)則會隨著股本的增加而被大幅稀釋。(B)PSTH 致力於通過合併案:
一般 SPAC 因為維持 20% 的股東權益(ownership)而獲得暴利;但是 PSTH 放棄發起人股份的暴利,但為維持投票權,以及與股東利益維持一致,PSTH 以(C)Forward Purchase(遠期購買)的方式來買進至少 10 億美元的單位,以確保合併案可以通過。(C)PSTH 的發起人報酬率:
一般 SPAC 的 20% 指的是『股權資本(ownership)』的比重; PSTH 的 20% 指的是『投票權 (Voting Right) 』的比重,這有非常大的差異。基本上,發起人股份在《第二階段》後占『股權資本(ownership)』的比重幾乎可以忽略不計,因此沒有暴利的產生;(D)為了與投資人站在一起做出的舉動:
但是, PSTH 發起人為了提高『股權資本(ownership)』的比重,以6500 萬美元是買進(B-1)Sponsor Warrants /(B-1)發起人認股權證(數量未知),再以 10 億美元買進 5,000 萬個 Unit(即(C -1-a)Committed Forward Purchase Units(已承諾遠期購買單位)),還可以額外以 20 億美元買進 1 億個 Unit (即(C-1-b)Additional Forward Purchase Units,額外遠期購買單位)(有關(C)Forward Purchase (遠期購買單位)的解釋,請看《第五篇》),其認股權證的執行價格相對較高,閉鎖期也較長。以上,可以推論 PSTH 的發起人是與所有股東是站在同一陣線的,因為新公司未來的成長,才會同時為發起人跟散戶帶來資產上的成長。